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Arel Inspection


This guide covers basic understanding of the Arel gem.

After reading this guide, you will know:

This artical is inspired and collected by this video. Thanks to kenshin54.

1 What is Arel?

Arel is a SQL. AST manager for Ruby. It

  1. Simplifies the generation of complex SQL queries
  2. Adapts to various RDBMSes

Arel might be a short for ActiveRelation

2 Generate SQL string with Arel

The method Arel::Nodes::Node#to_sql could generate SQL string.

The gem active_record has required Arel gem, and the bind between Arel and active_record is very close, because Arel needs a engine to work, which is very confused to me.

require 'active_record'
  adapter:  'mysql2',
  database: 'test',
  host:     'localhost',
  username: 'root',
  password: '1024'
user ='users')
arel = user.
  project('id', 'user_name').        # select
  where(user[:nick_name].eq('dsg')). # where
  order('created_at DESC').          # order
  skip(10).                          # offset
  take(5);                           # limit
sql = arel.to_sql
# SELECT  id, user_name FROM `users`
#   WHERE `user`.`nick_name` = 'dsg'
#   ORDER BY created_at DESC
#   LIMIT 5
#   OFFSET 10

When we get the sql, we can use ActiveRecord::Base.find_by_sql(sql) to get the record.

An ActiveRecord::Base.connection is needed here, but the generating-sql progress is no business of the connecion.

Another example usage of Arel in Rails.

#  SELECT `roles`.` FROM `roles`
#     WHERE(
#       `roles`.`id` < 10
#          AND `roles`.`id` > 0
#          OR  `roles`.`id` = 1024
#     )
t = Role.arel_table
    and(t[:id].gt 0).
    or(t[:id].eq 1024)

3 The Arel-SQL mapping

To know the Arel-SQL mapping, we should first know two concepts:

  • Abstract Syntax Tree
  • SQL Design Pattern

3.1 Abstract Syntax Tree

Abstract Syntax Tree is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code written in a programming language.

An example of AST can be as below:

while b!=0 do
  if a > b
    a = a - b
    b = b - a
return a


3.2 SQL Design Pattern

Take the SELECT part as an example:

The design comes from SQL As Understood By SQLite

  • select_statement


  • select_core


The SELECT part can be seen as below:

|-- SelectCore
|   |-- Projections(id, user_name, ...)
|   |-- Where
|   |-- Group
|-- Order
|-- Limit
|-- Limit
|-- Offset

3.3 Arel Design Pattern

Come back to the sql

user ='users')
arel = user.
  project('id', 'user_name').        # select
  where(user[:nick_name].eq('dsg')). # where
  order('created_at DESC').          # order
  skip(10).                          # offset
  take(5);                           # limit

We can get the sql

SELECT  id, user_name FROM `users`
  WHERE `user`.`nick_name` = 'dsg'
  ORDER BY created_at DESC

Arel gives a method to draw an AST image.

File.write('', arel.to_dot)
system %x(dot -T png -o arel.png)

Then we get the map of Arel


From the AST, we know * The concept of select_statement and select_core comes from SQL Design Pattern * The left, right branch concept comes from Abstract Syntax Tree

4 Arel Source Code Inspection

Everything goes to the method: to_sql

An tiny example of sql transferring

id    ='id')
count = id.count

We could use pry's show-method count.to_sql to find the method

# From: lib/arel/nodes/node.rb @ line 34:
# Owner: Arel::Nodes::Node
# Visibility: public
# Number of lines: 3
def to_sql engine = Table.engine
  engine.connection.visitor.accept self

To find the method accept, we should know the ancestor chain of Arel::Table.engine.connection.visitor

visitor = Arel::Table.engine.connection.visitor
# [
#     [ 0] ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractMysqlAdapter::BindSubstitution < Arel::Visitors::MySQL,
#     [ 1] Arel::Visitors::BindVisitor,
#     [ 2] Arel::Visitors::MySQL < Arel::Visitors::ToSql,
#     [ 3] Arel::Visitors::ToSql < Arel::Visitors::Visitor,
#     [ 4] Arel::Visitors::Visitor < Object,
#     [ 5] Object < BasicObject,
#     [ 6] JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Object,
#     [ 7] ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable,
#     [ 8] PP::ObjectMixin,
#     [ 9] Kernel,
#     [10] BasicObject
# ]
# Arel::Visitors::Visitor
def accept object
  visit object

The object here is id.count. Inspect the class of id.count ruby id.count.class #=> Arel::Nodes::Count

Then we seek the visit method, which is the core of the Arel gem.

The accept, visit concepts come from the Visitor Pattern, while it's not the same with the traditional Visitor Pattern. Check this reference if you are intersted.

def visit object
  send dispatch[object.class], object
rescue NoMethodError => e
  raise e if respond_to?(dispatch[object.class], true)
  superklass = object.class.ancestors.find { |klass|
    respond_to?(dispatch[klass], true)
  raise(TypeError, "Cannot visit #{object.class}") unless superklass
  dispatch[object.class] = dispatch[superklass]

Very intersting, just send dispatch[object.class], that is

send dispatch[Arel::Nodes::Count], object
#=> visit_Arel_Nodes_Count(id.count)

Finally, find the visit_Arel_Nodes_Count method

# Arel::Visitors::ToSql
def visit_Arel_Nodes_Count o
  "COUNT(#{o.distinct ? 'DISTINCT ' : ''}#{ { |x|
  visit x
  }.join(', ')})#{o.alias ? " AS #{visit o.alias}" : ''}"

Go through more complexed sql

user ='users')
arel = user.
  project('id', 'user_name').
  order('created_at DESC').

5 Is there a simple way to create SQL strings?

The AST, SQL Lang Pattern, Visitor Pattern may be a little complexed? Maybe there is a simple way to create SQL strings as below:

class NewArel
  attr_accessor :where, :select, :order, :skip, :limit
  def where(string)
    @wheres ||= []
    @wheres << string
  def select(*args)
    @selects ||= []
    @selects = @selects.concat(args).compact.uniq
  def order(string)
    @orders ||= []
    @orders << string
  # ... omited
  def to_sql
      "SELECT #{@selects.join(', ')}",
      "WHERE #{@where.join('AND ')}"
    ].join(' ')
arel =
  where('id < 10').
  where('id > 5').
  select(:id, :user_name)

6 What's more about Arel

  • TreeManage
    • SelectManager
    • UpdateManager
    • InsertManager
    • DeleteManager
  • visitors
    • mysql
    • sqlite
    • mssql
    • ....

7 Reference

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